Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Brief Summer Update

I hope that everyone is getting a good start to the summer. It took a while for the warm weather to arrive. As I write this, it is probably the hottest day of the year. It is supposed to be in the low 90s today. If you have not had a chance to drive by the school, it is really looking different. The office area was being torn down about the day after school let out. One day I drove by and saw a Bobcat in the office tearing things down on the inside. The new gym area is coming along well. The tall walls are starting to go up. It looks big! The lights for the football field were installed shortly after school got out. They have started on the concessions area and bathrooms at the sports complex. There are crews all over. It is exciting to see. The elementary work is coming along well, too. Starting in the fall we will have a very different feel with all of the physical changes to the buildings.

Click here to see a few pictures from June 23, 2009.

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