Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Starting To See The Change

It seems like the vote on the bond proposal was a long time ago. I guess it depends on how you look at it. It was almost a year and a half ago. I knew when the proposal passed that there would be the reality of the long, long process of moving from design, to bidding, to actually seeing the new construction and renovations. I pulled in at 6:30 this morning and arriving at the same time was a large truck, probably here for the demolition. All morning it has sounded like a truck stop out my window. Those are great sounds to hear, though. That means all of the planning, drawing, changing, and bidding work that goes on behind the scenes is done, and we will now start to see physical evidence of the change. We have been able to see a few signs of change with the demolition of the football stands and the construction of the new sports complex. However, we aren't able to use those facilities yet, and they are a ways away from where we work every day. I know that we will have some inconvenience through this construction, but it should be awesome when we are done. It is a great time to be a Blue Jay!

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