Saturday, October 4, 2008

The ZAP! Room

As you know, it takes parents, students, and teachers working together to ensure a suitable learning environment for all students so they can maximize their success. Of course we want students to do the very best that they can, but we are very concerned about students failing classes and not gaining the skills needed to be successful. We want students to stay on track to graduate with their class.

As a staff, we have been reviewing predictable indicators that correlate to failure. One of the most significant factors is students not doing their homework. Not only have we reviewed our student data, but we have worked with other schools that have come to the same conclusion. The reason for these failures is two-fold. First, students who do not use homework to ensure they have the requisite skills before a test, typically score poorly on tests. Secondly, work that is not submitted cannot demonstrate that a student has mastered the material. Thus, the student’s grade is lowered. We do not want failure to be an option!

We are beginning a new initiative at Shepherd High School to make sure that students do their homework. Last year our science department piloted a program called ZAP! (Zeros Aren’t Permitted). The results of their pilot were very successful. Missing homework assignments decreased and as a result failures decreased. The high school staff is taking this initiative from pilot to full building implementation. The ZAP! Room Guidelines are below.

  1. When homework is not done by the specified time, students are assigned to the ZAP Room. Zeros Aren't Permitted. The ZAP Room will run in the media center at the east end from 3:00 – 4:00. Not doing homework is not an option.

  2. When assigned to the ZAP Room, the student will be notified and the teacher will record the date and time of next Zap Room to which the student was assigned.

  3. The Student’s name is shared with Zap Room supervisor.

  4. The date of the Zap Room that the student is assigned must be at least 24 hours in the future so parents/guardians can be notified and transportation issues can be addressed.

  5. Parental contact can be personal or through voicemail, but teachers will document the contact.

  6. If homework is completed anytime prior to the beginning of Zap Room, the student does not have to attend, but completing the work does not mean that a student will get full credit or partial credit for the assignment.

  7. Once a student enters the Zap Room, he/she must stay for an entire hour.

  8. If a student arrives late to the Zap Room, they are not allowed in.

  9. If a student misses the Zap Room, they choose to attend RTC during lunch to complete their work for the next 3 days.

  10. If homework is not completed in the three days in RTC or the student does not attend RTC, the student is suspended until the parent(s) come in for a meeting with the principal, teacher and student.

The bottom line is that failure is not an option, and this initiative is designed to eliminate one factor that significantly contributes to failure and becoming behind on credits.

We know that parents desire the best for their student. We also know that their cooperation and support will greatly enhance the success of this initiative. To help Their son/daughter avoid the ZAP Room, parents should check with their student each night to make sure that they have completed their work. As the assignments are completed, grades will improve.

It takes all of us working together to maximize success!

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