Sunday, March 3, 2013

Youth in Government Banquet - The Final Night

One of the highlights of the conference is the banquet.  The students like the dance, too!  Each delegation sits together as awards given and outstanding performances are noted.  There were about 600 students at the conference from the Upper Peninsula to Detroit and every where in between.  This was a great group of students.  There were hundreds of bills written but only a small  percentage were actually passed.  I am proud to say that one of those bills was written by our own Stephanie and Taylor.

I don't know if it was intentional, if not it should have been, but the main dish for the banquet was turkey.  The last night the students can get a little wound up.  A little tryptopham might not be a bad idea.  It really worked on James.  But, not for long!  Once the banquet was over, he perked right up!

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