Friday, October 26, 2012

Health Safety Alert - Snorting Kool-Aid

We had a brief issue this year with a potential health request.  Some alert teachers noticed students "making deals" with quarters and Kool Aid.  The transaction smacked of a drug deal - but for Kool Aid?  We quickly did a little research to see why students might do this.  We found that indeed there was an issue with students snorting Kool Aid.  There were several articles.  To see one of the articles, click here.  It is very interesting.  What kids will do!

Though there doesn't seem to be much of a "high" for the students, there are some serious health risks.  One is that snorting the powder puts a solid substance or crystal into the respiratory system, which is designed for gases or vapors.  Even smoke is a gas, not a solid.  Additionally, there were reports that the sugary crystals get caught in the nasal passage and while people sleep, flies enter the nasal passage (attracted  by the sugar) and lay eggs, leaving larvae to grow in the individual's nasal passage.

Though this is a concern by itself, the activity of trying to get a "high" is maybe more of a concern.  Why would a student seek this "high"?  It they don't get the feeling they want, will they try some other substance or activity?  There can be much bigger issues in the future from this behavior.

So, if you are a student reading this, please consider the harm that you may be doing to yourself and talk to someone, like a school counselor or teacher, about any struggle you may be having.

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