Sunday, October 10, 2010

School Improvement

I just wanted to send out a post to let people know about the professional development that we are doing this year.  We are using some federal Title IIa funding to bring in a literacy coach to help our staff.  She is working most intensively with English teachers, but she is also working with the the other departments on "writing across the curriculum."  This has really been positive professional development.

Another very exciting initiative is the development of a new RTI/SIP Team.  That stands for "Response to Intervention and School Improvement."  This group is going to look at data, current initiatives, potential interventions, and best practices to improve student achievement.

I will try to update more as we get further into the year, but I wanted to get the word out that we are continually trying to improve, and the teachers and administrative staff are committed to doing whatever it take to help students succeed!

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