Monday, October 18, 2010

Creating a Positive School Climate - Motivational Speaker October 27th

We know when students feel more comfortable at school with a positive school climate, they are more likely to maximize their success academically.  Shepherd Public Schools takes creating a positive school climate very seriously.  Of course, we know that it takes parents, students, teachers, administrators, and support staff working together to create this.  We are very fortunate to have such great parents and students, as well as a staff members who help to establish high expectations and who are committed to supporting students so they have a positive learning environment.

There are many special programs that each building within our district has to help support a positive school climate.  This post is to let you know that the high school is hosting such a program on October 27th.  With the help of a Saginaw Chippewa Indian Tribal Grant, we are able to bring in a nationally recognized motivational speaker.  The speaker is Mr. Craig Conrad.  I want to encourage everyone to check out his website for more information.  It can be found at .

Mr. Conrad is going to present "The Unstoppable You" to the high school and middle school students during an assembly on October 27th from 8:05 until about 10:30 a.m.  After this, Mr. Conrad will interact with student leaders at a lunch meeting   He is also going to meet with the teachers during their staff meeting after school.  The day ends with a community presentation in the cafeteria at 6:30.  Everyone is welcome and encouraged to attend.  One of the main goals of this program is to sustain the energy that will inspire the students, staff, and parents together to create the most positive school climate possible. We hope to see you there!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Open House/Meet the Teacher Night

I know it is a little short notice on the blog, but Shepherd High School is having an Open House/Meet the Teacher night on October 14th.  The event will be held in the auxiliary gym at 6:00.  The format will be a brief welcome and general information by me followed by time for parents to meet with individual teachers.  There will be tables set up for each department so parents can stop by and talk to any teacher they like.  Parents can also ask questions about homework expectation, major assignments, and other information related to their son or daughter's classes.  It is very informal.  We invite all of the parents to stop in and see the teachers, especially the teachers who are new to the staff this year.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

School Improvement

I just wanted to send out a post to let people know about the professional development that we are doing this year.  We are using some federal Title IIa funding to bring in a literacy coach to help our staff.  She is working most intensively with English teachers, but she is also working with the the other departments on "writing across the curriculum."  This has really been positive professional development.

Another very exciting initiative is the development of a new RTI/SIP Team.  That stands for "Response to Intervention and School Improvement."  This group is going to look at data, current initiatives, potential interventions, and best practices to improve student achievement.

I will try to update more as we get further into the year, but I wanted to get the word out that we are continually trying to improve, and the teachers and administrative staff are committed to doing whatever it take to help students succeed!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Progress Reports

I want to encourage all of the students and parents to keep checking student grades through the student/parent portal of Power School.  Parents and students have web access to student progress and attendance.  There are logins and passwords for both.  If you don't know your login or password, please contact the high school office.  There is also contact information for the teacher so progress issues can be addressed directly and quickly!