Sunday, September 19, 2010

First Week 2010-2011

Well, one week down already.  I am sure for many of you it seems like we were just here.  But, we have several new staff members who are starting a new experience.  It was about this time 19 years ago that I started my experience in teaching for Mt. Pleasant Public Schools at the Isabella County Jail.  I guess I had several new "starts to the year", though.  After being in the jail, I stayed in Mt. Pleasant to administer a grant program so I was in Mt. Pleasant a total of four years.  I went to Odyssey for a year, and then came to SHS for five years.  In 2002, it was time to pursue the administrative route.  I remember  there was a lot of anxiety about heading to Farwell to be an assistant principal.  Though I was only there two years, I gained some great experience.  However, it was not where I felt I had a great match so I continued to check area postings.  It was that searching that led me to Midland Public Schools.  I had a great experience there, but after only two years, I had the chance to come back to my home at SHS.  Every new start has its own excitement.  I am sure our new teachers are sensing that now.  You never know where your path will lead.  I have experience with inmates and angels, forty year olds and fourteen year olds, seniors and sixth graders, poor communities and rich communities, large schools and small schools.  I hope all have a good start of the school year, and I hope all of our teachers enjoy the start of this year as it is one more step in their personal professional journey.

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