Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Freshmen Welcome Event

Freshman Welcome
 Get the year started right and get a jump on seeing your friends!!

We are very excited this year to introduce a Freshmen Welcome Day.  This day is just for Freshmen and is   intended to help students make the transition to high school.  There will be activities that will help students     develop a “class” identity, understand the many opportunities for involvement that    exist in the high school, and understand the expectations of high school content.       Generally, this day will help students get off to a great start to High School.  We believe this is very important and would like to have every freshman make arrangements to attend on August 28th!  

WHAT:  Freshmen Welcome
WHEN:  August 28th from 9:00am - 2:00pm 
Cookout Lunch Provided!
 WHERE:  Starting in the Auditorium

Program Topics

¨ Who is the Class of 2016?
¨ I have four years.  What can I  find to do?
¨ What do I have to do to land that job?
¨ I am not sure  I am ready for High School!  Will I be able to pass my classes?
¨ Now that we are in High School we can do what?
¨ What happens if I have trouble?  Who can I go to?
¨ I heard there was a       freshman still stuffed in a locker from last year!
¨ Please plan to take care of your book deposit during this event.  ($10.00)

 Questions? Contact: The High School Office @ 989-828-6601


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